Branding for luxury goods – What works and what doesn’t

Aha! The glamorous world of luxury goods! From sleek sports cars to designer handbags that cost more than a small country’s GDP, the UAE knows a thing or two about indulging in the finer things in life. Branding for luxury commodities is a delicate affair and if done poorly is worth as much as a… Continue reading Branding for luxury goods – What works and what doesn’t

10 essential branding tips to grow your business

In the UAE, branding is more than just a pretty logo. It’s a way to connect with your target audience and build a lasting relationship. Remember that building a successful brand doesn’t have to be as hard as solving a calculus problem with an abacus. Buckle in as we take you on a quick tour… Continue reading 10 essential branding tips to grow your business

A brief history of graphic design in the middle east

As Winston Churchill once said, ‘Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd.’ And in the world of design, the Middle East has been the shepherd of innovation and creativity for centuries. Whether its eye-popping brochures for hotels you couldn’t possibly afford, or the billboard for the Maybach (which you can’t afford… Continue reading A brief history of graphic design in the middle east