Branding for luxury goods – What works and what doesn’t

Aha! The glamorous world of luxury goods! From sleek sports cars to designer handbags that cost more than a small country’s GDP, the UAE knows a thing or two about indulging in the finer things in life. Branding for luxury commodities is a delicate affair and if done poorly is worth as much as a… Continue reading Branding for luxury goods – What works and what doesn’t

10 essential branding tips to grow your business

In the UAE, branding is more than just a pretty logo. It’s a way to connect with your target audience and build a lasting relationship. Remember that building a successful brand doesn’t have to be as hard as solving a calculus problem with an abacus. Buckle in as we take you on a quick tour… Continue reading 10 essential branding tips to grow your business

Brand personality – Why it matters

Imagine showing up at a swanky club for a party on its inaugural night but you see everyone is dour, dressed up like they are back from a job interview, sitting around in small clusters with dull and catatonic expressions on their faces, would you go back to the place again? Well, the same goes… Continue reading Brand personality – Why it matters

5 branding practices to avoid for your new company

You’re about to embark on a journey of brand building for your new company. But before you set sail, let’s dive into the whimsical world of branding blunders. In this blog, we’ll uncover five practices that are better off avoided like a date with a mountain lion. Learn more about leading digital marketing agency in… Continue reading 5 branding practices to avoid for your new company